We all need deadlines to turn the To Dos into To Done

⏰ The clock is ticking…

I love a deadline. Having worked in projects all my life there have always been deadlines on the horizon. The transmission date for a live TV show I’m working on. The day of the event I’m producing. The day of the talk I’m giving.

And right now I feel like I have a lot of deadlines. In 7 days time I present the debut performance of ‘Wake Up!’ - my one man show. In 8 days time I’ll be driving my son to start university. In 17 days I start six weeks of radiotherapy. And along the way there are client projects to deliver, meetings to be had, to-do lists to wrangle.

So I’m reminding myself how useful a deadline is. Without a deadline our creative projects would stay hidden in the pages of our notebook. Without a deadline, I couldn’t invoice clients for the work done. And without a deadline we wouldn’t be able to share our bodies of work with the outside world.

We all need deadlines to turn the To Dos into To Done.

Along the way - every day - I’m tuning in to the fact that Time is our most precious commodity. We are all given 24 hours. But how we spend it is up to us. That’s why I’m being very intentional about how I spend my time and where I put my attention.

Like I say, the clock is ticking


Slow down and take a brand new path