Introducing ‘What Matters Now?’

Last Friday afternoon I walked down to the cabin at the bottom of my garden and had a Zoom with my good friend John. John is a fellow storyteller who lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

48 hours earlier we’d been messaging each other on Instagram when I had an idea: how about we jump on a video call and riff about what really matters. We’d hit the ‘record’ button and share our conversation with the outside world.

So ‘What Matters Now?’ was born. Who knows whether this will be a one-off or whether I’ll record multiple episodes and it will run and run?! In a way, that’s not important. I always like to experiment, and give things a go. With a lot of uncertainty in my life right now, it felt good to chat with John about what we’d been noticing lately.

Why the obsession with this question? Because it was a game changer when I started to tune into what really matters to me, and build a life around that. I believe that knowing what really matters - paying attention to what we do, why we do it, how we do it, and who it’s for - can be really magnetising. For me, it’s like my true north: it helps pull me toward the right choices in life.

So I’m delighted to share this conversation with you. We explore finding beauty in the everyday, the concept of editing out anything that’s not really us, and the way we can connect with each other through our words and images.


Five things I learned telling stories for The Financial Times


"The more that you share your stories, the more people will do it back.”