Three reasons to do a walking-meeting

This was my Monday morning backdrop.

Not a sightseeing trip but a walk & talk with a CEO through St James’s Park and Green Park to discover and unearth stories from their working life. For over ten years I’ve led business leaders, founders and entrepreneurs on walks to help them find fuel and direction, or to uncover stories to generate engagement and drive change.

Why do I run these sessions as walking meetings rather than online or in an office? Because walking:

  1. provides a valuable route for reflection: to look at leadership and organisational life from an outside perspective, away from the office and off-screen.

  2. gets you out in the fresh air and in-motion, letting the ideas flow and supercharging the creative process.

  3. presents to you various sights and sounds. These act as signposts and prompts for triggering ideas and for taking the conversation down unplanned paths.

The Ian Sanders Company works with leaders in C-suite roles to to evolve their leadership, communication and company culture through the humanising power of storytelling.

To inspire behaviour change, make an impact, align your teams with your vision, make your proposition gettable - tell stories!

Download our guide: ‘How leaders can leverage this communication superpower’


SXSW 2025: Screw the Plan and Navigate Work & Life the Unplan Way!


Eight words from Anne Lamott that stopped me in my tracks