Fuel Safari
A walk to find your fuel
With Ian Sanders
For the last ten years Ian has been taking people on walks around central London. It’s called a Fuel Safari and is for people who are:
seeking a renewed sense of clarity and purpose at work
navigating changes in their career or business life
unsure about where they’re headed and would like to uncover the right path
A one-to-one, walking-based coaching session
Designed for business leaders, executives and founders, a Fuel Safari is a one-to-one, walking-based coaching session that takes place over two hours. During the session, Ian draws on his decades-long experience to:
provide an opportunity to zoom out from the day-to-day and bring clarity to your career and personal development
look at your career and working life from a fresh angle
open your eyes to new possibilities and ideas
reframe any challenges and find new approaches to problems
re-energise you about your work
Find the clarity you crave.
Fuel Safaris are held in central London where we use the streets and paths to navigate your career and find inspiration.
A stop for coffee is usually incorporated into the session. Afterwards, you’ll receive your Personal Road Map, with notes and reflections from the Fuel Safari.
The Fuel Safari package includes: a 30 minute call to establish suitability and to make sure Ian can help; the two hour walk; a follow up Personal Road Map
Find the clarity you crave. Email Ian to find out more details.
“I found it really valuable stepping back and reflecting, in a very different context than I normally do. I also really, really liked the output — but what I found most valuable and enjoyable of all was the actual Fuel Safari itself.”
“If you’re lost and have no idea where your career and life are going, and would like to discover your true purpose and what feeds your soul - a Fuel Safari is for you. Now that I've been on a safari with Ian, I better understand who I am as a person, what’s driving me, and where I want to go next.”
“Ian was great to work with, and made it easy to talk by always asking the right question at the right time, keeping my focus on what I am passionate about and the opportunities out there. I have come away from this feeling excited about the year ahead.”
“Ian helped me make sense of the many career contemplations I have had recently. To say them out loud, to be asked the right questions, to be challenged a little – it channelled my thoughts into a clearer action plan backed with self-belief. It was a really worthwhile session and I loved the energy brought by being on foot ."