Eight words from Anne Lamott that stopped me in my tracks

I was on the train home last week listening to a podcast when something the guest said struck me right between the ears. It stopped me in my tracks ;)

It was a conversation with the writer Anne Lamott on the FT Weekend ‘Life and Art’ podcast. I read 'Bird by Bird' a decade or so ago and I am an Anne-fan. Anne told the host Lilah Raptopoulos a story about going shopping with a close friend of hers, Pammy, who was terminally ill. Pammy was waiting outside the changing room in a wheelchair whilst Anne tried on a dress. Anne came out to model it for her, asking, ‘do you think it makes my hips look too big?’

And her friend replied slowly, “Annie, we don’t have that kind of time.”

We don’t have that kind of time.

We don’t have that kind of time for stupid stuff.

So get serious about what you want to bring forward, Anne says.

Going through my cancer journey, those eight words resonate more than ever. This year I’ve been consciously ‘editing my life’ paying attention to what matters and what doesn’t matter. Knowing what’s in, and what’s out.

And now I think of Anne’s words a lot. Moving forward with intention. And not having time for stupid stuff.

🙏🏼 Thank you Anne and Lilah for this important conversation. Listen back here or you can find it on Spotify.


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