If you get stuck, try moving your desk

Here’s a creative hack for you. If you get stuck, try moving your desk 42 miles to the left.

Last Friday morning I took the train into London and then the tube to King’s Cross. I wasn’t going to meet anyone. I had no errands to run. I had no reason to travel there.

Other than I knew it would unlock ideas. And it did. I started my morning at Caravan restaurant and then walked down to The Standard, where I settled into the lobby with my espresso (pictured above).

Why did I travel 42 miles away? Because I know that if you shift location you’ll shift your mindset. You’ll look at your work - your projects, to-do list, your challenges - from a completely different angle. Sure, there’s the travel time and cost to consider but I got breakthroughs that would have never have happened in my usual surroundings. I came back home with all I needed.

So next time you get stuck, try moving your ‘desk...’


🎙️ Mastering Communication: Lessons from Stephen Merchant


Life is more interesting when you view your career as a journey not a plan